
Blog posts : "casts"

Franznap Lancers 2 Serie test cast

Finally i had some time for home casting the second Series of the French Line Lancers .

The spare heads and arms allows different variations, one horse has spare saddlecloth to be used as  private and officer one.

These tests are not ready for production, but help me to check the feasibility of the sculptures .

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New sculpted ...

Added a new mounting lancer, busy with the officer headgear, working at horses (see Horses in Casting page)

An austrian Hussar colonel with horse. 

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French Lancers casts ready

Finally due to the Christmas holidays i'm ready with the French lancers set, i'm completing the new set horses completely sculpted by me, for the moment i'm using conversion casts ones....

You can see different heads, and arms that allows many combinations.

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3 blog posts