Here my real first attempt on 28mm, I'm doing as test for my friends of Westfalia Miniatures, here compared in proportions with a Perry.
Here my real first attempt on 28mm, I'm doing as test for my friends of Westfalia Miniatures, here compared in proportions with a Perry.
Here the painted 2 sets of the Austrian Uhlans : Command and Troopers, 4 mounted figures each with detached and spare arms and weapons.
here the painted tests of the 3 sets of marins de la Garde:
FA-009 Marins de la Garde troops: 6 foot figures
FA-010 Marins de la Garde Command : 6 foot figures
FA-011 Marins de la Garde Mounted Officer : 1 mounted figure
The 2 new sets of Marins de la Garde are ready, here the test casts , soon available in the shop. It will be 2 sets : command and troops, in marching position, 6 miniatures each plus detached backpacks and arms.
This is a paint test for the future Baden Infantry sets : Command set and troops set, with probably spare heads, plus a mounted officer single figure set. The test is in resin but probably the set will be produced in metal.
And here the tests of the trooper set. 4 mounted figures with detached arms holding the lances, and 2 spare cavalry guns. One figure is intended to be the second line, he is equipped with the carabine and has the lance hold on the left side.
hurrah !!! the first new sets are coming from the producer. Austrian Uhlans command , 4 mounted figures with spare arms. Trumpeter, private, NCO and Officer.
Last w/e i had some time and i start this new set, 6 or 8 tambour majors in different outfits and poses, this is the first; i think it can be a nice subject for collectors and war gamers because in this scale it is quite difficult to find anything.
Here a small set with Austrian Hussars shooting, I added an NCO to the initially 3 miniatures and the set is ready. The standing horses can be used alternatively with the FA-001 or FA-002 sets. With the addition of a set of casualties and a mounted colonel i think i covered enough for this unit.
The Masters of the Austrian Uhlans are ready, they will go to the producer soon, and fit 2 sets in metal:
Austrian Uhlans Command 4 mounted figures + spare arms
Austrian Uhlans Troopers 4 mounted figures with detached arm
the unit is depicted in the uniform of 1809, but it can easily converted to the later one, the uniform accuracy is very high.
The next release is ready to go to production:
French Marins de la Garde Command: 6 marching figures
French Marins de la Garde Troops : 6 marching figures
French Marins de la Garde Monted Officer : 1 mounted figure
The set is almost finished, still missing one figure to have the 2 sets : 6 infantrymen +6 command staff; the mounted officer will be apart.
Finally the test shots of the coming two sets of Granatieri / Veliti della Guardia of the Kingdom of Neapel . Will be produced in metal 6 pieces per set.
Last weekend i trained a new technique for making hats i learned from my german friends, so far it works very well and i'm improving.... here a Guide de Bonaparte and a republican fantassin... im thinking to add the bodies to them...
Yestrday i tried a new technique for sculpting headgears i learned from my german friends, here the first result... may be will be followed by the entire figure...
The first set of "Armies" is ready for sale !!!! The sets consists in 8 mounted figures, in 2x4 poses, which are casted from the same masters of their resin counterparts: only one figure is different . The detail quality is the same of the resin ones, thanks to the experience of Meister Schilling. Soon will follow the french lancers and some command figures. this set is very useful for war gaming purposes .
44 spare heads are in production now, hopefully for sale in April, they belong to the french army and cover different units and periods of the era, they will be divided in different packages per unit with some multiple copies per head. They are in metal . will follow some allies sets which can be used well with french army bodies.
From Master Schilling, the test casts in metal, first set of Franznap Armies, better for war gamers, the details are amazing. Soon for sale, will follow the french lancers.