Finally the 6 sets of the French Pontonniers are ready. They will be released for pre order in the coming days. Will be possible to buy battle pack options with discount or bonuses. We have 4 sets, each one with one team of 6 figures : Team 1 Carrying the beams; Team 2 Mounting the bridge; Team 3 In the pontoon; Team 4 in the river; A command set and a Bonus one of 4 figures and accessories. The complete series included some already available sets like the pontoon carriages and the horses teams / drivers.

Blog posts : "metal miniatures"
New figures additions
The 2 command sets of Austrian Hussars and French Line lancers will be re sized to 4 figures each. the Austrian Hussars will have 2 new figures : an officer and NCO with spare arms with sabre and flagpole; the French lancers will have also 2 new figures: An NCO and an Elite trooper with 3 spare arms with flagpole, sabre and carabine . Here the test from the producer.
Painted Lancers from Mauritius Pictor
Wow!!!! finally some masterpieces from Mauritius, he is painting some of my miniatures,more coming soon.... Mauritius Pictor Miniatures check him on Facebook
44 spare heads are in production now, hopefully for sale in April, they belong to the french army and cover different units and periods of the era, they will be divided in different packages per unit with some multiple copies per head. They are in metal . will follow some allies sets which can be used well with french army bodies.