
Blog posts : "spare heads"


44 spare heads are in production now, hopefully for sale in April, they belong to the french army and cover different units and periods of the era, they will be divided in different packages per unit with some multiple copies per head. They are in metal . will follow some allies sets which can be used well with french army bodies.




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Spare Heads ready to cast

Here some 40 spare heads related to different headgears of the french army, it is amazing how many differences you can find in the years . These will be sent soon for casting and i will do more of them.

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Spare heads test

I tried some dimensional test with  a beautiful Zwezda grenadier body, here the result with some of the already realized heads; it is funny but the headgear was a part of the uniform which could variate so much, if we trust  see the many sources sources of the Napoleonic era... 


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More Spare Heads

While i'm busy with my first 28mm sculpt and with spare horses, i did some more spare heads.

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Spare Heads

I'm busy with sculpting spare heads which i will produce , It is funny to do and a fast job, and i hope to do all the headgears of the napoleonic periods, for the moment I'm busy with the french.

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5 blog posts