I finally made a long time desired conversion: The "Grey Devils", one of the best light infantry units of the Napoleonic Era, about them General de Ligne wrote: "You should not tell a recruit: 'I will make you into a jager !' You must instead take them from the forests. They know how to perch on a rock, how to conceal themselves in one of those fissures which open in the ground after a great drought, or hide behind a mighty oak. They make their way slowly and softly, so as not to make any sound, and in a such a way they can creep up on a post and take it by surprise, or shoot down the enemy generals." The conversion went more simple than thought, with Hat Austrian Line Infantry, cutting the shako and adding a paper brim which upturn on the left side. The powder horn and the ramrod of the rifle, optionally shorten the rifle and add its belt.