finally the painted test of Beachbum, the DJ Byker, in metal, it is quite easy to assembly and the details are very good.

Blog posts : "francesco messori"
Beachbum 50's anniversary test painted
First Sculpt 28mm
Here my real first attempt on 28mm, I'm doing as test for my friends of Westfalia Miniatures, here compared in proportions with a Perry.
New figures additions
The 2 command sets of Austrian Hussars and French Line lancers will be re sized to 4 figures each. the Austrian Hussars will have 2 new figures : an officer and NCO with spare arms with sabre and flagpole; the French lancers will have also 2 new figures: An NCO and an Elite trooper with 3 spare arms with flagpole, sabre and carabine . Here the test from the producer.
Painted Lancers from Mauritius Pictor
Wow!!!! finally some masterpieces from Mauritius, he is painting some of my miniatures,more coming soon.... Mauritius Pictor Miniatures check him on Facebook
Tambour Major
Last w/e i had some time and i start this new set, 6 or 8 tambour majors in different outfits and poses, this is the first; i think it can be a nice subject for collectors and war gamers because in this scale it is quite difficult to find anything.
Beachbum 50's anniversary master ready
For the 50's birthday of Beachbum I realized this master of the famous DJ biker with his Harley. It will be produced in 50 pieces Limited Edition and we will launch a painting competition.
French Line Lancers Painted tests
Finally I can present the painted test of the French Line Lancers FC-003 and FC-004 command and team; they come with interchangeable and spare arms and saddles, here are depicted as 1 regiment. the Officer is the first miniature and horse i ever did, and it shows it, so i'm doubting to substitute the horse....
French Line Lancers Command & Team
Here the two sets of the French Line Lancers, they will be produced in resin and in metal, will follow other sets with mounting an dismounting and dismounted, you can see my first own casts in the images
This is one of my first work, which I started from conversions , so i had completely re-done most of the pieces, in particular the horses, so now every piece is original.
French Line Lancers Command : 3 mounted miniatures, 2 spare arms, 2 interchangeable saddlecloths.
French Line Lancers Team : 4 mounted figures, 5 interchangeable arms.
soon available for purchase
Franznap Lancers 2nd serie
Finally ready painted the test shot of the French Lancers; took me several months to finish but I'm glad to show you the possibilities of conversions due to separate arms and spare heads.
the mounting and dismounting lancers are quite useful and with a head change could be used as other units.
One offs from the workbench
Back again on business, i'm still not settled in but i enjoyed on some One Off pieces just for warming up again.....
Here a French Guard Foot Artillery officer , and an Austrian hussar welcomed by his dog.
The advantage of making unique pieces is that i have not to think about mold undercut and i can detail everything as i want.
It is almost 1 year since I started sculpting, and I learned a lot, may be i will post some of my experiences in this technique if somebody is interested on.
Franznap Lancers 2 Serie test cast
Finally i had some time for home casting the second Series of the French Line Lancers .
The spare heads and arms allows different variations, one horse has spare saddlecloth to be used as private and officer one.
These tests are not ready for production, but help me to check the feasibility of the sculptures .
Murat and other
Having very few time for my favorite hobby, i post here some advancing steps in sculpting, the King Murat, some horses sculpture and 2 attempt on foot miniatures which i would make in a serie, a drummer boy which can fit many napoleon armies and an Highlandres NCO which could be part of a Colour party.
New mounted Neapolitan officers
Here some new masters for the Neapolitan General Staff, with King Murat Himself and a Major of the Guides
see all the picts in the section Sculpting and Casting ; i'm now busy with more horses.
I'm also ready with the french lancers masrers second group .
New sculpted ...
Added a new mounting lancer, busy with the officer headgear, working at horses (see Horses in Casting page)
An austrian Hussar colonel with horse.
Two mounted neapolitan ADC
Here 2 almost finished first mounted officers, a general staff ADC 1813 , and an ADC of the King Murat.
New lancers on sculpting phase
For completing this series i'm sculpting some standing figures, an officer in mantel, a mounting lancer, a standing one with different arms, a walking one, and a lancer in stable dress with pokalem, all will have different arms and accessories.
Because i received various requests for purchasing, i must inform you that for the moment I made a mold to cast them in resin, but n a very artisanal way, and though the detail is very good (see images in progress) they are not suitable yet for commercial use.... i'm in contact now with some possible producer...... stay tuned and i hope to have good news soon.
French Lancers casts ready
Finally due to the Christmas holidays i'm ready with the French lancers set, i'm completing the new set horses completely sculpted by me, for the moment i'm using conversion casts ones....
You can see different heads, and arms that allows many combinations.
Ussaro della Guardia del Regno di Napoli
An other entry in the Neapolitan Staff sculpting group, here a Guard Hussar which can also be used as Guide and as ADC of Murat,